Bin to EKP/EKR Conversion
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Author ChicagoLegendMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-01-23 11:00 Views 236 Comments 2Body
How can I convert a bin file to EKP or EKR? Id rsther use EKP since people seem to be having issues after firmware updates.
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Reply toEK1Admin

Please read notice post in this board (Q&A)
Reply toChicagoLegend

I read the notice, I see that EKP will no longer be used I understand. I don't see anything about bin to ekr conversion in the notice posts though. Is that access that has to be granted? I had to add more to my profile info to convert all my ekp to ekr which worked, but does more information have to be entered for me to be able to convert from bin to ekr?