Tuning after recall?
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Author DaBubblaMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-02-12 21:45 Views 126 Comments 3Body
Please help??
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Reply toCherryTuning

Your software version will have changed with the ECU upgrade from the dealership. You can either load a full recovery file to revert back to the previous version, or you'll have to get a new tune for your updated software version.
Reply toDaBubbla

Thank you for the response! I really lost hope there for a minute.
Can you be more specific on how to do this? After the recall was applied I did what I normally do--go down the street and reapply my sxth stage 2 tune via the ek1lite, but it have me an error.
Reply toCherryTuning

You won't be able to use any of your existing tunes. If you want to post on the Cherry Custom board with your vehicle details (new software ID, VIN) and EK serial number, I'll see what we can figure out for you. Can probably discount a tune for you to help you out of a tough spot.
Otherwise, you can contact SXTH, however they're no longer officially supported on the EK1 platform.