Ek1 Mini2+ Patching
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Author AlexanderMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-02-28 17:59 Views 119 Comments 2Body
I have a Veloster N MT and was wondering if it's still necessary to patch the ECU before flashing a tune with the most recent firmware. If so, does it have to be converted to EKR beforehand? Also, I noticed something about SXTH not being an authorized dealer but I purchased my EK device from them about a year ago and I'm supposed to be getting tuned this summer when my new turbo comes in. Is this going to be an issue or is it fine as long as my device is up to date? Thank you.
- Previousekr file are not showing on the ek1 lite even after performing ek1 tool update to 1.2
- NextNeed help getting started with tuning
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Reply toEK1Admin

You can use 2 different way to flash a tune file.
1. Old type : Patch > Flash a tune.
2. New type : Flash a tune without patch.
Our team support all kinda tuning spec software for N cars like turbo upgrade, Meth, Ethanol blending, everything.
So, you can create new tuning request in NKSPEED custom board when you need it.
We recommend you to use latest firmware if you didn't upgrade firmware yet.
Thank you.
Reply toAlexander

is there a significant difference with either method? does the tuning file have to be converted to EKR first before flashing if you use the new type?