Help Patching Veloster N JSDKNCPERG1C
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Author GTZMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-03-10 04:18 Views 54 Comments 2Body
The original JSDKNCPERG1C patch file in the "File DB > Original Files" didn't work for my vehicle. And if I try to upload a tune file to my vehicle the EK1 lite shows that it successfully completed, but the car still has all the dashboard lights on and I am unable to start the car. I tried other tunes I purchased in the past and none of them work, they all have the same issue as the screenshot attached below.
The original JSDKNCPERG1C patch file in the "File DB > Original Files" didn't work for my vehicle. And if I try to upload a tune file to my vehicle the EK1 lite shows that it successfully completed, but the car still has all the dashboard lights on and I am unable to start the car. I tried other tunes I purchased in the past and none of them work, they all have the same issue as the screenshot attached below.
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Reply toEK1Admin

You need to download patch file from Patch board.
Is your ECU spare?
Reply toGTZ

Awesome I got it! I bought the wrong patch file. I needed the "File DB > New ECU Patch", not the "File DB > Original Files". This solved my problem.
May I ask what is the difference between New ECU Patch and Original Files? Thanks