New 3.3T BEF with different Cal ID
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Author AlexMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-02-20 02:34 Views 131 Comments 11Body
I have a previous RACE BEF from Burger with the Cal ID ending in U_N2B but my Cal ID for my ECU ends in W_N2B, is this going to cause an issue with the new EKR formats or will that automatically patch the ECU to be able to run it without issue with the slightly different ECU Cal ID? I already have a backup of my original ECU file from my bench cable. Appreciate any help
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Reply toEK1Admin

Hello customer,
We highly recommend you to use your original ECU ID software.
Please do not change to any different ECU ID software.
Thank you.
Reply toAlex

Is there a way that I could convert the original ECU file that I have from EKR to BIN to have a new BEF made? I doesnt look like Im allowed to do it via the website here.
Reply toEK1Admin

What is your ECU Cal ID?
Full ID name?
Reply toAlex

Reply toEK1Admin

If you already changed to CENNDM_U_N2B, we can't have way to get CENNDM_W_N2B version.
So, if you don't have any problem with CENNDM_U_N2B, you can use your patch file or BEF file after converting EKR from EKP.
Thank you.
Reply toAlex

I have not flashed the ECU yet. I have used the bench cable to copy the original CENNDM_W_N2B ECU file, but it is an EKR file and Burger needs to have a BIN file in order to create a BEF for this specific Cal ID
Reply toAlex

Hey @ek1admin can I send in my original ECU file and you send me back the file in the BIN format so I can have it tuned by Burger? Or can you allow me access to the EKR to BIN conversion page so I can do it myself for a few credits?
Reply toEK1Admin

If you use a bench cable and your ECU ID is CENNDM_W_N2B, you can get CENNDM_W_N2B version by yourself.
I recommend you to read your ECU with a bench cable.
Yes.. sure, I will send bin file to Terry if you send me the ekr file.
Thank you.
Reply toAlex Reply to

Just sent the file via email on this website. If you would like me to send it to a different address I can do so no issue. Thank you
Reply toAlex

Just wanted to check if you got the file I sent. Thanks
Reply toEK1Admin

You read out your original file!!
Sounds good!!