2023 G70 3.3 Original ecu id was IPPNDMEZ_N2B used IPPNDMEU_N2B can I …
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Author ChicagoLegendMessage Email Profile Search ID All Thread Created on 25-02-25 12:07 Views 91 Comments 1Body
I want to go back to my original IPPNDMEZ_N2B, can I reflash over IPPNDMEU_N2B or do I need to do anything else first?
My original ECU ID was IPPNDEZ_N2B but it was not in the database of a now unauthorized tuning company so they advised to use IPPNDMEU_N2B because it was "close enough". I've had erratic timing corrections everything else has been ruled out except for the software. No databases had my original file, and I didn't know any better at the time to use the bench cable to save original file. I want to flash with the correct IPPNDMEZ_N2B file. If my ecu currently has MEU in it, can I just flash it to the correct file, or do I need a recovery file to change and also have the new bootloader etc?
My original ECU ID was IPPNDEZ_N2B but it was not in the database of a now unauthorized tuning company so they advised to use IPPNDMEU_N2B because it was "close enough". I've had erratic timing corrections everything else has been ruled out except for the software. No databases had my original file, and I didn't know any better at the time to use the bench cable to save original file. I want to flash with the correct IPPNDMEZ_N2B file. If my ecu currently has MEU in it, can I just flash it to the correct file, or do I need a recovery file to change and also have the new bootloader etc?
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Reply toEK1Admin

You can go back to your original ECU IPPNDMEZ_N2B
Please download original file following below link
You need to make patch if you want to flash tune file after go back to your original version.
Patch file is here
Thank you.